10 Cozy Books to Read While Snuggled Up

Winters are here and it’s time that we bookdragons go into hibernation within our warm blankets or next to the fireside with a pile of books and an unlimited supply of food and coffee.

But often there’s a small question.

What books should you read? You aren’t in the mood for horror or mystery or science fiction and historical fiction that will have you wrack your minds. Nope, you’re looking for a light read which is preferably full of fluff. One that makes you giggle and smile and just warms your heart and I’m here to help you with that!


‘Fireside Reads’ is one of the prompts for the Bookending Winter event and you all know that cuddly and fluffy falls right into my genre! So here’s a list of 10 books that I read this year that will make your insides melt.


10 Cozy Books to Read While Snuggled Up


1. Eleanor and Park


You guys this book is so freaking adorable! I mean what do you expect, Rainbow Rowell wrote it. It just has the cutest most insecure characters who are there for each other. They’re super awkward which make them even more cute. Also there is Asian and fat rep too! Definitely a complete package ๐Ÿ™‚


2. Geekerella


Will I ever stop yelling about this book?


Never ever.

I read this in the beginning of the year and I swear my house was filled with giggles and I couldn’t breathe because of my god the main characters were just goals. Also Elle is a total fangirl and geek like us so it’s even more fun to read. And if you didn’t get it by the name and cover, it’s a modern day retelling of Geekerella!

If you honestly need more convincing then go read my full review here and just GO GRAB THIS BOOK! SHOO!


3. Esme’s Wish


I first read this book for a blog tour and I was amazed by it! Esme is such a sweet chracter and the fantasy world she dives into is beautiful and descriptive and it feels like you’re floating on a clous while reading this book. Also, DRAGONS!


While that should grab your attention if it didn’t you can go read my full review here.

(such shameless promotion in this post honestly :P)


4. The Upside of Unrequited


How could I not put a Becky Albertalli book in here?

Her books are the definition of fluff okay? This book has EVERYTHING.

Cute couples, fat rep, LGBT rep, awkward romance, diverse charecters, realistic sibling relationship and major cutesy couples that you absolutely need to read.

I think I did a review on this one too where I shrieked and I shrieked till days.

Whoops this seems to become more and more of a promotional post. I SWEAR THIS HAPPENED ACCIDENTALLY.


5. The Weekend Bucketlist


Again, I read this one for a blog tour since I loved the sound of it and it totally lived up to it’s expectations! Are you tired of books focusing on romance like why isn’t there centered around friendship and loving friends who will do anything for each other?


Also, features a bi character who sneakily steals your heart.

Go on, give this friendship a chance!


6. To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before


What are you doing if you haven’t read this one yet??

I mean did you see the hype? Did you see the magical and adorable movie and like did you see Noah Centineo? This book will melt your heart so bad because Lara Jean is an adorable bunny that everyone, not just Peter Kavinsky, needs in their life.

Or you could read it for Peter Kavinsky.

Either way, READ IT!


7.ย  Almost Midnight


This is the perfect read if you are in the mood for some fluffy short stories with characters that will keep you smiling throughout. I mean it’s Rainbow Rowell, what do you expect? Yes I might have an obsession but that has nothing to do with this.

It’s still the fluffiest short stories book on earth.


8. Little Women


Now it isn’t a fluffy and cute book per say but it’s just a book you can read up nicely curled up in your blanket. It has a winter theme, kind of? But also I love the characters and the values portrayed throughout the book and just cute little incidents keep happening and this is my favourite classic, IT QUALIFIES.


9. What If It’s Us


Yes I can sneek any amount of Becky Albertalli books in here and get away with it because this is my post, hahaha. Anyway, people forget this is co-written with Adam Silvera and wow what a duo this book broke my heart.

BUT before that it made me giggle like a maniac and coo over Arthur and Ben because OMG CUTE. Seriously, my facial muscles had serious cramps by the time I was done with this book. And then I started crying.

Which is good if you’re reading by the fireside because then you can put off any potential fires.


10. And Tango Makes Three


This was the November BOTM for the Banned Book Club and was actually a picture book for kids. I mean how can you ban this adorable book, it was made for children!

This book revolves around two gay penguins in a zoo who fall in love and kind of adopt a baby penguin. YES, GAY PENGUINS.

Plus really supportive fellow penguins and zoo caretakers and did I mention this is based on an ACTUAL REAL LIFE STORY?!

You honestly gotta read this cute book!!!



So are you adding these to your TBR yet? Which fluffy books do you want me to read? Do you prefer fluffy or angsty books?Also if you want to fangirl or fanboy over any of the books I mentioned feel free to do so in the comments below! Bye ๐Ÿ™‚



26 thoughts on “10 Cozy Books to Read While Snuggled Up

  1. This is such a great list! I actually haven’t read anything by Becky Albertalli yet — I think they are always checked out at my library, and also I keep forgetting. I extremely forgot she and Adam Silvera coauthored a book, but that’s the one I need to get to ASAP.

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