Women In Fiction I Stan – Women’s History Month Special

Hello there!

You know, I feel that I’m constantly yelling about books and female protagonists and how they can absolutely step on me but since March is Women’s History Month, I think some of these fictional women deserve a special post of their own.

I adore female leads in books, most of the books I read have women as protagonists. It’s just more familiar territory, not to mention it’s empowering to see them fight dragons, land up that big job or just have a happy ending. Today I thought I’d recommend some books with women that I stan, as in they can do anything in the world and I won’t stop loving them. As in I will become a human carpet for them as they walk their path to success. You all get it, don’t you?

I mean, how could I not start with Annabeth freaking Chase?! The Percy Jackson series are what my soul is made up of at this point and nobody deserves to be simped after more than Annabeth. I was always just so much in awe of her. She’s the freaking glue and mastermind in the series. I love how she uses her wisdom to overcome everything and anything and she can fight?! The full package – right there and then. We all know that nobody in that series would have ever survived like there wouldn’t even be a series to begin with if we didn’t have our Wise Girl ❤

Listen, there’s a reason the phrase ‘Fang Runin step on me’ was so popular on book twitter. Fang Runin, or Rin is a morally grey female lead in The Poppy War series and when I mean morally grey, I really do mean it. Like that grey is really leaning into black and I love her for that. Rin has always had to fight tooth and nail for everything, including existing and it’s just so incredible to see her journey as she gains power and becomes something else. She’s broken and battered so many times – I literally stopped reading the series because I just couldn’t.

But what I love most is Rin’s anger. She’s one of the few protagonists who was allowed to be angry. She gives in to her rage and lets it consume her and everyone around her and nothing has felt more satisfying or realistic than that. Inside every woman is just so much pent-up rage and it’s just incredible to watch Rin unleash hell.

I’m a sucker for strong desi girlies and Priya might be the epitome of that. She’s a kind-hearted morally grey character (yes, I have a type) running from her past but who gets sucked into a life that threatens to unravel just that. Priya is both emotionally and physically strong and wields nature magic. It’s easy to see how her heart rules over many of her decisions, and that’s what I love the most about her.

I love when there’s some duality to a character – not all strong women need to be cold and distant, I love reading about warm and kind flower girls who can still wield their strength and be respected!!

Also, if you pick up The Jasmine Throne you’re in for a treat because we also have Malini, another sly, morally grey princess seeking revenge. And there’s sapphic romance!!! You can check out my full review on the blog 🙂

I need to preface this by saying I stopped reading Cassandra Clare a long time ago so I have no idea on what the hell is going on in her series but Isabelle Lightwood has all my heart. I kind of prefer her version from the show Shadowhunters, but either way, she’s just gorgeous, strong and determined. Izzy’s protective of her loved ones and knows how to wield her beauty as a weapon.

I’m just so attached to her character (if you’ve been here a while you might know that, hehe) and maybe it’s because she was one of the first female characters who I saw using their looks as an advantage but fact is that her name is still one of the firsts to pop into my head when I think of badass female characters 🙂

Tea – we love her, we fear her, we worship her.

The Bone Witch introduces us to Tea from two timelines, one where she’s just beginning her journey and the other where she’s been cast aside as a powerful woman. You all see where I’m going with this… she’s a morally grey character – villain or hero, you decide.

As is always the case with good books and complex characters, it’s fascinating to see Tea’s journey from a wide-eyed innocent girl into becoming a necromancer who goes on to wield an enormous amount of maybe looked down upon power and shake the world.

And we come to the most iconic fictional superstar ever. Here we have another morally grey queen who’s done some shady stuff, and fought for her position in the Hollywood industry and her sexuality and existence.

Evelyn is such a commanding, bold and captivating character – ma’am has everyone kneeling in seconds, ready to submit their souls to her. Her confidence, wit and charm just had me falling and getting to know her story through the book is truly fascinating. If you’ve somehow missed out on this book, it’s definitely worth a read. The one time that the hype will not fail you!

I don’t think anyone here has read The Doomsday Book (y’all are truly missing out) but that’s not gonna stop me from shouting praises about Kivrin.

Kivrin is a young history student who goes back to 1320 England for an on-ground data collection, except mistakes happen, plagues are released and she finds herself in 1348, the beginning of the Black Death in England. Listen, if I were Kivrin I would have cried and given up and died a thousand times over. But no, Kivrin is the most kind-hearted, brave and determined woman ever. Facing death, disease and an absence of anything familiar, lost in time with no way to go back, Kivrin shows an absurd amount of bravery and emotional strength as she keeps her hope alight like a candle. Her journey is raw and emotional and she’s absolutely passed through the shredder by the end and yet she perseveres.

Zetian is my goddess. She’s the girl who deserved so much better. Brought up in a society, in a family that treated her like dirt, she looks for revenge against her sister’s death. Her rage, her desire for justice and her hatred of the system drive her through everything. And when I say I’ve never seen such a rage-filled, powerful, morally-grey and ruthless girl, I mean it. She’d probably kill me but I’d thank her nevertheless.

I love how unapologetic Zetian is and despite everything, she still retains her emotions, a certain vulnerability. The Iron Widow is such a powerful book, I simply can’t wait for Zetian’s return in the sequel!

I came for a cozy mystery but stayed for the cast, especially Vera Wong.

Vera Wong is a lonely old woman with a failing tea business but of course, she will never let anyone see that side of her. Instead, she keeps herself busy by poking her nose in other people’s business and showering them with love and for this story, solving a murder. She’s so different from everyone on this list but what I love the most about her is how kind, generous and loving she is, always showering everyone with love and attention. And she’s an absolute force to be reckoned with. There’s no arguing with or getting past her!

Before anything, I was a 39 Clues girlie. I might have been the rare person who discovered Rick Riordan from this series, lol. But Amy Cahill was my soulmate, except she was so much cooler. When Amy and Dan’s grandmother dies they’re thrown amid a deadly sort of scavenger hunt with their extended family. Amy is an absolute nerd – she loves to read and solve puzzles, except this wild adventure has the deadliest puzzles ever. Not only does Amy have to step up and brave it all with her brother, but she also needs to keep Dan safe, all while staying whip-smart and careful enough to not fall into her family’s traps.

I loved how relatable Amy was and how she powered through everything with her brother by her side. Over the series you see her shed her shyness and emerge as a leader, a glue who holds people together ❤

And that’s the list. I could honestly go on and on but these are some of my favourite women in fiction, the ones I’ve admired through the years or discovered recently and fallen in love with 🙂

Who are some of your favourite women in fiction?

Do you tend to read books with female protagonists or do you like to mix it up once in a while?

Do you know any of these characters I talked about? If so, I’d love to chat about them in the comments!

10 thoughts on “Women In Fiction I Stan – Women’s History Month Special

  1. Of the books I’ve read from this list, I love the characters you have mentioned so it is clearly a sign I should read the rest of the books from your list 🥰
    I am partial to morally grey women too. Priya and Malini were great leads, I look forward to seeing more from them when I continue with the series!
    I need to read The Bone Witch for Tea! The book sounds fascinating too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, yes, I highly support that!!

      Right?! I really need to go re-read that book before beginning Oleander Sword though. I might end up purchasing paperbacks for both of them…

      Oh my god yes, that one is a wild ride you will absolutely not regret embarking on!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh my god yes, it’s so rarely mentioned!
      But I know it does have a huge fanbase because back when I started Wattpad it was huge there and we had so many fanfics!
      Yeah the nostalgia is real… one day I want to collect the series, at the very least the original one for sure.


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