Why Book Blurbs are Important

You know those tiny paragraphs that used to be printed at the back of any book you were holding to give you an overview of what it is about so that you don’t stumble into a totally alien universe uninformed?

Those are called book blurbs and they’re very important.

Before we dive into exactly why those small little bunch of words even matter can I please rant how I’m pissed the hell off with the fact that people seem to be replacing book blurbs with praise and words from other authors like WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!



No, I don’t want to hear what John Green or The Times has to say about this piece of art, you can easily include that inside the book in the first few pages before the actual story that almost nobody reads! I WANT MY BLURBS BACK.

No, it doesn’t even work if you’ve shifted the blurb somewhere else because now I have to make an actual effort to find it. Is it on the inside of the dust jacket cover? No. Okay, the page before the title? No. The page after the title? No. The page after the title comes twice? No. After the prologue? No.

You have three frickin pages for the title but not one for a simple short description of what hell I’m about to enter? It’s your loss cause I already left that book back at the bookstore since I’ve got 250 books on my TBR flapping their pages and begging me to read them.

tick tock.gif


You can see this is a topic I’ve been wanting to talk since a long time. So without further  ado let me tell you exactly why book blurbs are important.


1) SOME GENRE KNOWLEDGE is needed before one can dive into the pages of a book. Here I picked up a title saying ‘Death, Murder and Blood’ expecting to revel in some dark mystery or bloodshed but it turns out to be some kind of historic fiction? 

I did not sign up for this. It is such a huge turn off I can’t even begin to talk about it. Now what am I going to do? Be forever salty about it and not pick this book up even years later because this was betrayal at its finest.


2) WHAT AM I READING? I know that there are some people who start reading a book without having no idea what it is about but excuse me I am not one of those people. As it is I have a hard time remembering names and plot lines and then the side plots I need to have an actual outline of what’s going to happen! I’m a person who’ll go re-read the blurb during the middle of the book like where am I?

Oh okay the blurb says girl’s sister dies, family moves away, finds a boy because isn’t that the best way to deal with grief, said boy might be a magical raccoon. Hmm check, check, check. I guess magical raccoon is coming up next!

Seriously, it’s a great way to keep track. 


3) WE GET AN IDEA OF THE WRITING STYLE from the blurb. It’s a great insight into how the author’s tone might be and whether the author is going to be writing short summarized paragraphs or page long descriptions about the love interest.

NEVER judge a book by it’s cover but ALWAYS judge a book by it’s blurb!

Blurbs can seriously make or break your book.



So now you all can clearly see how very important those short passages at the back of a book are! Can we please get back the trend of beautiful book blurbs printed at the back cover? 



Do you get annoyed by the lack of book blurbs too? Or are you one of those who don’t even glance at them? Wow you’re definitely into black magic. Have you ever happened to read something completely opposite to what you were reading because of deceiving titles? Comment down below 🙂 See you guys later!

51 thoughts on “Why Book Blurbs are Important

  1. Book blurbs are so important! Most of the time, I don’t even bother finding the blurb if it’s not there on the back page. I leave that book and pick another one where the blurb is not hidden like a treasure hunt prize.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. YESSSS! Book blurbs are very important. I always read them and like you, I do go back to them when I’m halfway through the book! I have never bought a book without reading its blurb or plot summary from Goodreads!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Same! No point of buying it if you don’t know what it is about! Like what if it turns out to be horrible??? Goodreads is my go to place too! Oh hey btw I haven’t added you on Goodreads have I?


  3. I think that the author writes a blurb initially, but the publishers put all those quotes on there and therefore it’s not the authors fault. I always skip the quotes, but blurbs can also be misleading. I read a book by Sarah Pinborough once and the blurb promised me a thriller. I started reading and quit at 40%, because this seriously felt like a chicklit. And yes, I read the blurb before buying the book. I also rely on reviews before diving into a book now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree, the authors aren’t to blame here! Publishers need to make smart decisions. Ah yes that can happen once in a blue moon. I guess then the author is to blame. I usually buy books based on recommendations and reviews only! 😁 It’s the safest bid.


  4. Never thought anyone was gonna point this out! I so do not get why they do this. Fortunately, the occurrence of blurbless backs is low for me. Your post is funny 😛

    Also, I have to agree on that one point you mentioned about finding cute boys to cure your problems. Sometimes your S/O just doesn’t come into your life when you’re in a crisis!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, I just remembered a slightly misleading blurb I came across recently, ISAN by Mary Ting. The blurb said it was a dystopian world but nowhere did it introduce/describe it in the beginning of the book! What, the training facility counts as the ‘dystopian world’??

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yessss! It’s also really hard to actually classify a dystopian world. I think it counted as one because the government owned the facility and dystopian is basically rebelling against the govt? Kinda? Lol it’s all hazy 🙈

      Liked by 1 person

      • Haha, yes, I think the definition can be a bit broad. But, come on, only an assassin organization counts as it being a dystopian world is stretching it a bit much. And all those cute guys after cute guys and the girls all fawning over them. I mean, ok, they were starved of social contact but not every girl has to be into a guy all at the same time!

        >_< I'm seriously considering DNFing now…

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      • Hmmm I totally agree with that guy point. And not every girl has to be straight! I felt like the first part of the book was the best but maybe you should try it a little while longer

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  6. Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one who flipped back and reread the blurb half-way through the book! I usually do it at least two or three times a book… I just need it.
    And like, yeah, if a book doesn’t have a blurb I’m probably not going to pick it up.

    My only exceptions are with books that I’m already super hyped for because I know I love the author. Then I try to go in blind as much as I can. (But like, I still end up reading the blurb half the time anyways, because I have no self control.)

    And I’m currently rather annoyed at the blurb on the book I’m reading right now (The Coldest Girl in Coldtown), because the blurb promises monsters, but nowhere in it does it mention that these ‘monsters’ are, in fact, vampires.
    It says: “Tana lives in a world where walled cities called Coldtowns exist. In them, quarantined monsters. and humans mingle in a decadently bloody mix or predator and prey.”
    That sounds SUPER intriguing and right up my alley. But do you what’s NOT intriguing and right up my alley? Vampires.
    So thanks very misleading blurb.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha one thing I’ve realised in the bookish community is that you’re never alone!

      Lol yes it’s quite a persistent habit… and yes if I already know the author or the hyped book I will pick it up too.

      Ugh I’m kind of sick of vampires. Screw misleading blurbs, those are the worst!

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  7. I don’t think I’ve come across a book with no blurb yet, but if I do, I WILL RAGE! Sometimes you can already tell from the blurb’s vibe if you’ll like a book. But I have come across a few books where the blurb doesn’t have the same vibe as the writing style and THAT is frustrating and misleading as heck. :/

    – Aimee @ Aimee, Always

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  8. I’m laughing so much right now! I totally agree with you Charvi. I’ve always been one to judge a book by it’s blurb, if it doesn’t interest me, back it goes because erm…my TBR is plotting my murder and getting their witnesses ready xD

    Honestly though, I love reading blurbs, I’d not noticed they’d begun to disappear though. I think they’re still like around and kicking for me in the UK…but they definitely should become more of a trend again 🙂 loved this post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Omg yes they are disappearing! Glad to know that’s not the case for you 😊 Reading blurb is the most authentic way to judge a book and even they can be misleading 🙄

      Thank you so much! Glad you loved it 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Haha lovely post Charvi 😀 I laughed a lot. I do think that blurbs are important. I too hate it when there are so many quotes mentioned but not the blurb.
    However, I have to admit here that I am one of those persons, who goes into the book without reading the blurbs most of the time 😛 Yeah I know. But yeah before starting the book, I do read the blurb. So yeah, they are important.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooh it’s kinda awesome you can read without blurbs. Generally speaking I’m a person who loves surprises but not reading blurbs can end up leaving me very confused. Glad the post made you laugh so much 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. […] Charvi @ Not Just Fiction: Why Book Blurbs Are Important – YES!! Someone shares my frustration of searching for a synopsis on a book only to find reviews and other irrelevant information. This neat post talks about why blurbs are important. It’s simple, but necessary. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Great post!! I hate this change to praise in the back. Like, I get it, the praise sells, but I would also like to know what the heck the book is about. Especially on paperbacks, since hardcovers sometimes have a little inside flap that tells you the synopsis and a blub. And yes about rereading the blub! I do that all the time! And that’s a great blub you’ve written there. We don’t have enough magical racoons in books!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it’s kinda acceptable with hardcover book cause of the flaps. And if you really want to include the praise the just write a small blurb and then the praise in the same space.

      Haha thank you, I would love to stumble across a magical raccoon 😂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Haha, I LOVED this post. It was for one thing seriously funny in the way it was written, but then again it is also a very serious subject. And one I totally agree with. If I were to only buy a book based on a cool cover (and trust me I did stumble into that particular trap quite a few times) I would probably, eventually stop reading novels. I do want to have a little bit of knowledge about what I can expect from the pages inside a shiny new novel. So yeah: I am with you, let’s bring those blurbs back! Thanks for entering this post in the Showcase, highly enjoyed it 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

  13. While I do read blurbs, I almost never make a reading decision based off of them. If I’m in a shop, I am one of those super annoying people who will read the first chapter in the store before deciding. Do I like the writing style? Am I hooked or intrigued? That is more important to me than whatever short and attention grabbing phrases end up on the back of the book. Also, as I primarily read fantasy, all blurbs sound much the same but execution of those ideas varies greatly. For online shopping I like sample chapters rather than blurbs. I just feel they help me make a better overall decision.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s actually a great idea! I would do that in a library or bookstore if I weren’t that conscious hehe. Anyway I mostly buy books online and these days almost all of them are based off recommendations by trusted friends and bloggers or ones that I’ve read several good reviews of.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Recommendations and reviews are great for online books and I will admit most of the light novels I’ve ended up trying were based off of recommendations or online reviews given I can’t try them out first.
        I’ve found book shops don’t really mind you reading if: a) you frequent the shop often enough that they know you are likely to buy something and aren’t just wasting their time, and b) you don’t try to drink or eat at the same time as read – they frown on that, and c) you stay out of everyone’s way.

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  14. It’s kind of nerve-wracking to get a book with a hard cover with no blurb on the back or on the inside flap of the cover…maybe some publishers/cover designers put too much pride into their cover designs, they don’t want to cover them with words.

    One notable instance of a deceptive blurb that comes to mind is the book “Wake” (Lisa McMann). It has a synopsis that sounds like it’s a dream/horror story, but it only briefly mentions it has sex scenes in it and yet starts with one (for shock factor, perhaps?)…This was the first time I’d really checked out the adult fiction section in any library though, so I noped out of that book pretty fast and didn’t touch anything else in that section for a while…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh damn that sounds like a crazy experience. I definitely don’t want to be surprised like that so yeah I hate when blurbs are misleading. Another crazy thing I recently saw was that the ARC copy had the blurb and some author comments on the back but the published copy does not? Why even 😦


      • Maybe these days the internet – specifically Goodreads, book-related websites and other author/reader hideouts – is expected to be used as a promotional tool for books (although that sounds somewhat counterintuitive)…? I don’t quite understand the rationale myself – I can only come up with ideas for why people would get rid of blurbs on a case-by-case basis.

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